18.12 Materdei Station

The design proposal for the new exit of the metro station of Materdei in the Sanità neighbourhood of Naples reconciles technical and functional issues with the necessity of new urban places, at the same time enhancing the ancient spaces of the tuff caves. The project consists of small surgical interventions creating new conditions in the historic urban fabric. Giving new strenght to existing paths while avoiding modifications of stratified physical structures, the project aims at activating potential new uses that can be anchored to them. The proposal is based on a redesign of the separation wall between the urban stair and the empty plot overlooking the square beside the caves, proposing a new tectonic element that will mark the entrance to the path through the caves. A new pavement will guide the passengers, so as the structures for the consolidation of the passage’s ceiling, which will act as a series of portals. 

Location: Naples, Italy
Year: 2018
Status: Restricted competition - shortlisted project
Collaborators: Giusi Elefante, Vittorio Pezzella, Filippo Vitale
