19.06 Bakery in Pomigliano
The ritual of baking bread is as ancient as civilization is.
The ritual of baking bread is as ancient as civilization is.
As the result of a collaborative effort of hard work, bread has always been throught history as a symbol of collective well-being; if there is enough bread, all problems seem gone.
Our design for a small bakery in Pomigliano celebrates the ritual of baking through the insertion of a podium where to exhibit different shapes, colors, hues and scents of the baked goods, and let them be the main characters of the space.
A simple palette of three materials extends the urban streetscape into the shop, creating a flawless threshold that welcome the customers into a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Location: Pomigliano d’Arco, Italy
Year: 2019
Status: Realized
Photo credits: Gianluca Piccolo